Our Story

In 2008, Calgary Missional Church (CMC) started to live out characteristics to see a church networked across the city that chased love, justice, beauty, and hope in our neighborhoods. We quickly partnered with two small communities called The House, and King’s Bridge. Together we lived out a shared expression of church community called, “Converge”, based  in Kensington from 2009 to 2016. Towards the end of 2016 a new expression started to emerge as Converge ran its course.

Cypher Church began in February 2017. Originally founded as a ministry to connect Jesus with those who would never draw near to any modern church expression, the early gatherings were rooted in the arts and hip-hop community. Today, Cypher Church has taken on its own life as a multi-ethnic church focussed on living out the character of Jesus with the outsiders.

We’re building a community not only for Christians, but for those searching for deeper connection to Jesus with little to no faith history. We’re calling people to live out the fullness of their humanity by going deeper in the things that matter: fighting for justice, creating beauty, restoring brokenness, and discovering deeper loving community.

In Fall 2023, after moving online during the pandemic years (that’s still ongoing) we collaborated with A Beautiful Table and have now amalgamated in name with ABT.